Ukraine’s rapid advance against Russia shows mastery of 3 essential skills for success in modern warfare

Ukraine’s rapid advance against Russia shows mastery of 3 essential skills for success in...

Ukrainian forces, aided by Western firepower, have upset traditional military logic once again. Advancing deep into Ukrainian territory seized by Moscow earlier in its invasion, a counteroffensive launched in September 2022,...
Proposed federal abortion ban evokes 19th-century Comstock Act – a law so unpopular it triggered the centurylong backlash that led to Roe

Proposed federal abortion ban evokes 19th-century Comstock Act – a law so unpopular it...

Sen. Lindsey Graham has proposed a national U.S. abortion ban barring the procedure after 15 weeks. This push to restrict abortion access across the country follows a rash of new...
Giorgia Meloni – the political provocateur set to become Italy’s first far-right leader since Mussolini

Giorgia Meloni – the political provocateur set to become Italy’s first far-right leader since...

In the autumn of 1922, Benito Mussolini, the ambitious and charismatic founder of the Fascist Party, became Italy’s youngest prime minister – seizing power in a march on Rome that...
Conspiracy theories are dangerous even if very few people believe them

Conspiracy theories are dangerous even if very few people believe them

There is an open question among pundits and researchers: Do more Americans believe in conspiracy theories now than ever before? But as a scholar of conspiracy theories and their believers, I...
Biden again indicates that US will defend Taiwan ‘militarily’ – does this constitute a change in policy?

Biden again indicates that US will defend Taiwan ‘militarily’ – does this constitute a...

President Joe Biden has – not for the first time – suggested that the U.S. would intervene “militarily” should China attempt an invasion of Taiwan._ In an interview with CBS’s “60...